red cent

red cent [red sent]  [rɛd sɛnt] 

red cent 基本解释

red cent


red cent 网络解释

1. 一分钱:red cell 红血球 | red cent 一分钱 | red clover 红三叶草

2. 一文不值:see red气愤 | red cent一文不值 | red rag勾起愤怒的人和事情

3. 一分钱,一便士:red carpet (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯,隆重的接待 | red cent 一分钱,一便士 | red dog 煤坑中的混合废料

4. 壹分钱:依政党政策投的票/party vote | 壹分钱/red cent | 壹英镑纸币/treasury note

red cent 单语例句

1. The red carpet outside the Gibson Amphitheater in Universal City attracted hip hop stars 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg.

2. Around 80 per cent of the wine drank in China is estimated to be red.

3. The stocks quickly lost ground after the bubbles burst and the red chip index is down about 78 per cent from its 1997 peak.

red cent 英英释义



1. something of little value

    e.g. his promise is not worth a damn
           not worth one red cent
           not worth shucks

    Synonym: damn darn hoot shit shucks tinker's damn tinker's dam
