
recurrence [rɪˈkʌrəns]  [rɪˈkɜ:rəns] 



recurrence 基本解释

名词复回,重现; 反复,隐现; [数]循环; 重新提起

recurrence 相关例句



1. He was aware of the possibility of a recurrence of his illness.

2. More care in the future will prevent recurrence of the mistake.

recurrence 网络解释

1. 循环:将一个空间的图案通过重循环(recurrence)分类的方式导入一个树形规则之中保存. 通过这种Octree技术进行定位卷缩(ObjectiveCurling),并且通过OcclutionCurling技术将看不到的POLYGON物体直接排除掉. 这种技术可以自动识别看不见的物体,

2. 复发:通常末期癌症病患是指患上癌症一段时期而无法治愈者,另一种情形是已经被医生认为治疗成功而病情复发(recurrence)而完全无痛(in remission)的病人,由于每个病人情况都不同,有些病人在发现癌症时已属末期癌症病患.

3. 发:解:庖疹病毒主要特性是潜伏性感染(latent infection)与再发(recurrence),带状庖(Zoster)系由潜伏於感觉神经节的水痘带状庖疹病毒(VZV)活化而造成.通常以皮肤或黏膜发疹为特徵,

recurrence 词典解释

1. 复发;重现;再现
    If there is a recurrence of something, it happens again.

    e.g. Police are out in force to prevent a recurrence of the violence.

recurrence 单语例句

1. White House press secretary Tony Snow was back on the job yesterday, five weeks after doctors discovered a recurrence of his cancer.

2. In comparison with other diseases, cardiovascular disease today has the highest growth and recurrence rate of all diseases in China.

3. recurrence的近义词

3. Unionists and legal experts are urging stronger efforts to stem the remnants of child labor and prevent a recurrence.

4. The WHO official cited wild animals and laboratories without adequate safeguard measures as two triggers for the possible recurrence of SARS.

5. Competent authorities have put the companies involved in these cases on a " watch list " so as to prevent the recurrence of similar activities.


6. Both sides expressed willingness to avoid a recurrence of recent incidents of confrontation between Chinese vessels and US naval ships off China's southern coast.

7. The recurrence of similar public events has forced us to consider how to make a rational judgment based on little factual evidence.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The 2004 recurrence of SARS caused nine people to fall ill and one death.

9. " People across the Taiwan Straits must not allow recurrence of civil war tragedies, " Ma told dozens of war veterans.

10. But the win came at a cost, with midfielder Tom Cleverley limping off with a recurrence of an ankle injury.

recurrence 英英释义


1. happening again (especially at regular intervals)

    e.g. the return of spring

    Synonym: return
