1. 矩形:这个栅格用于绘制项目,如多边形(Polygons)、不封闭图形(Paths)、圆(Circles)和矩形(Rectangles). 最小的栅格设置是2mils. 显示栅格(Display Grid)是一种点状的栅格,哟就能够与设计的辅助. 可以设置显示栅格与设计栅格匹配,
2. 矩型:wedges 楔型 | rectangles 矩型 | head and shoulder reversal pattern 头肩反转型态
1. Every square inch of the walls and pillars shimmer with flashing waves of ruby rectangles, golden hexagons and purple circles.
2. Rectangles, straight lines and other geometric shapes are employed to show oriental philosophy.