
recoup [rɪˈku:p]  [rɪˈkup] 






recoup 基本解释

及物动词偿还; 补偿,收回; [法]扣除,扣留



recoup 相关例句


1. I will recoup you for any money you spend.

2. I shall recoup my losses.

recoup 网络解释

1. 偿还,补偿:(股票价格等)止跌,上扬 rally | 偿还,补偿 recoup | 恢复 recovery

2. 补偿:receivable 應收款 | recoup 補償 | redemption 償還

3. 扣除:recountal 详细叙说 | recoup 扣除 | recoupment 赔偿

4. 偿付:1 Ponder 沉思 | 1 Recoup 偿付 | 1 Tendrils of Agony 苦痛卷须

recoup 词典解释

1. 重新获得;重新拿回;收回;弥补
    If you recoup a sum of money that you have spent or lost, you get it back.

    e.g. Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.

recoup 单语例句

1. An IPR holder can recoup its research cost through the sale of its IPR products, and with legal protection will have exclusive possession of the IPR product market.

2. Under such contracts the developer is entitled to a share of production, which allows them to recoup their investment costs and make improved profits.

3. While some will fly over the city, others may make short stopovers to recoup their strength.

4. Doctors in private practice who have bought imaging equipment tend to use it liberally to recoup the expense.

5. Picard will oversee the liquidation of assets from Madoff's investment firm as the SIPC attempts to help investors recoup their money.

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6. Now it is time for the government to recoup the lost time in the war against AIDS by translating its pledges into actions.

7. recoup

7. The company involved is supposed to recoup its investment and make profit from advertisements in rental service points.

8. recoup在线翻译

8. The company said its business maintained an upward march in the first three quarters, helping the company recoup lost ground from last year.

9. They indicated that they were waiting for a recovery to recoup some of their losses before calling it quits.

10. " We can recoup our investment within six to seven years, " Lai said.

recoup 英英释义


1. retain and refrain from disbursing
    of payments

    e.g. My employer is withholding taxes

    Synonym: withhold deduct

2. regain or make up for

    e.g. recuperate one's losses

    Synonym: recover recuperate

3. recoup的反义词

3. reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss

    Synonym: reimburse
