
recollection [ˌrekəˈlekʃn]  [ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən] 


recollection 基本解释


名词回忆,追忆; 往事; 回忆录; [宗]冥想

recollection 相关例句


1. That evening is one of my happiest recollections.

2. It is in my recollection that he sold his farm to a neighbor before moving to Seattle.

recollection 网络解释


1. 记忆:我们对於过去与现在的知识建基於现在心灵(present mind) 的概念和记忆(recollection) . 且只有这些概念与记忆是精确的. 我们的记忆是有限的,因著与新的经验或更好的点子的冲突. 因此记忆并非供给我们对知识的不可动摇的基础,

2. (追忆):并且每个形式都是单一的从而在结构上没有可分解的组成部分的进一步地,我们在知识论层面上对一个形式的把握是通过在不朽灵魂中的追忆(recollection)而得以实现的这些论点使人容易相信在语义学上柏拉图是一个原子主义者(atomist)这里语义学中的原子主义认为,

recollection 词典解释

1. recollection在线翻译

1. 记忆;回忆
    If you have a recollection of something, you remember it.

    e.g. Pat has vivid recollections of the trip...
    e.g. He had no recollection of the crash...

recollection 单语例句

1. Although she had no recollection of the convict, she nonetheless visited Yangyang's school the very next day.

2. He didn't recognize his classmates and had no recollection of the past four years.

3. The actor could spend up to three hours on the witness stand Tuesday, when he is expected to testify about his recollection of the incident.

4. recollection的反义词

4. A warm rush of recollection washed over me when I thought about the video slumber parties I use to have.

5. She apparently has no recollection of their life together between 2004 to 2007, and family photos of them together hasn't helped.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. Lien said he wished to trace some childhood recollection during his stay in the city.

7. It said the recollection of all fireworks would be completed within four days.

8. He told the panel he had no recollection of any involvement with the group.

9. When a reporter visited Deng in hospital, she said she had no recollection of the incident.

10. The book is a recollection of his life and his time as Fed chief.

recollection 英英释义


1. the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)

    e.g. he has total recall of the episode

    Synonym: recall reminiscence

2. the ability to recall past occurrences

    Synonym: remembrance anamnesis

3. something recalled to the mind
