
recipe [ˈresəpi]  [ˈresəpi] 



recipe 基本解释


名词食谱; 处方; 秘诀

recipe 相关例句


1. He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work.

2. In the recipe, it says that I must use two eggs.

3. I'd like to have your recipe for cookies.

recipe 情景对话



A:Do you want to take a cooking class with me?

B:What kind of cooking class is it?

A:It’s a Thai cooking class. They teach you how to make curries, rice dishes, and soups.

B:Do they teach you how to make the curries from scratch?

A:Of course.

B:Is it expensive?

A:Not really. It only costs 15 U.S. Dorla/session, and you get to eat the food afterwards.
      不贵,每节课只需 15 美元,然后你可以吃掉食物。

B:That about the price of a meal. Not bad.

A:If you take ten lessons, you also get a free recipe book, some Thai spices and a pan.
      如果你想上 10 节课,你还会得到一本食谱,一些泰式香料和一个锅。

B:Sign me up!

A:Do you like Thai food?

B:Not really, but I love to cook!

recipe 网络解释

1. 配方:随机因素(Optional ingredients):配方(recipe)所需的特殊加料(Specialadditions)不必要总是天然原料(譬如考据进入第二纪(SecondAge)之后的锻造技术),玩家可以按自己喜好的方式配入各种材料以提高出现极至成就的几率.

2. 食谱:在接下来的例子中,食谱(Recipe)有一个关联的模型材料(Ingredient). 在控制器的那一节可能你已经知道,在控制器中可以包含多个模型并进行直接访问. 在接下来这个例子中,食谱(Recipe)和用户(User)都可以直接从当前控制器中进行访问.

3. 处方:第四章、在企业e化(e-Business)的趋势下,ERP已成为一个企业必备的资讯基础架构,也是企业提升竞争优势的根本工具第八章、在某些产业中,料表则被称为配方(Formula) 、处方(Recipe) 或成份表(Ingredients)

4. recipe:recomplement computer interpretive program expeditor; 再补码计算机解释程序速成器

recipe 词典解释


1. 烹饪配方;食谱
    A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something.

    e.g. ...a traditional recipe for oatmeal biscuits.
    e.g. ...a recipe book.

2. 原因
    If you say that something is a recipe for a particular situation, you mean that it is likely to result in that situation.

    e.g. Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.

recipe 单语例句

1. recipe的翻译

1. He has a recipe, but he also kind of improvises by himself.

2. Li Yang loves the cello and cooking and believes experimenting with both is the recipe for his musical success.

3. A recipe book from a different culture provides a chance to change up a Christmas dinner.

4. Add in diabetic dehydration and other conditions common in the obese, and it's a recipe for trouble.

5. The eatery uses freshly imported crabs to cook with chili and a special recipe sauce that gives it a great taste.

6. He is the only top politician to criticize the country's generous social welfare system as a recipe for chronically high unemployment.

7. recipe的意思

7. The steamed crabs are then immersed in a clay pot filled with simmering vintage yellow wine that has been seasoned with a secret recipe.

8. recipe在线翻译

8. It is made from a 60 per cent cocoa recipe similar to one used exclusively for the Royal Family since the days of Queen Victoria.

9. recipe的意思

9. Chef Paul Zhu of Danieli's restaurant - reputed as " Beijing's Finest Italian Restaurant " - shares his recipe of fried cod with saffron sauce.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. It is an unusual recipe, combining dried fruits with a vegetable.

recipe 英英释义


1. recipe的反义词

1. directions for making something

    Synonym: formula
