1. 累犯:这一规定甚至可适用于3年以下的监禁刑,但累犯(Recidivism)除外. 1997年新规定在某些犯罪中突破了这个刑期,3年以上的刑罚亦可简缩,但实际狱内执行时间不得少于6个月. 其次,1987年刑法修正案还通过假释制度,即有条件的提前释放以实现上述改革目标.
2. 屡犯:RECG 放射心电图 | recidivism 屡犯 | recidivism rate 屡犯率
3. 累犯,重犯:obstinate 固执的;顽强的 | recidivism 累犯,重犯 | chronic 长期的;经常的;慢性的
4. 常習性:psychi-oriented-感情指向型 | recidivism-常習性 | reformism-改良主義
1. recidivism
1. Statistics show the recidivism rate is just about 1 percent in Chaoyang District and in 24 other provinces piloting the program across the country.
2. According to statistics, the recidivism rate stayed high in the United States.
3. Offenders who completed the treatment programs had a recidivism rate of 5 percent.
1. habitual relapse into crime