
receptive [rɪˈseptɪv]  [rɪˈsɛptɪv] 

receptive 基本解释


形容词善于接受的; 能容纳的; 有接受力的; 感受的,感官的

receptive 情景对话


B:What do you find frustrating in a work situation?

A:Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. /Minds that are not receptive to new ideas.
      胸襟狭窄的人,有时使 我泄气。/不能接受新思想的那些人。

receptive 网络解释


1. 接受性的:复习时应该注意,想要写出更为地道的英文,必须通过听、读这类接受性的(receptive)语言活动,提高对语言的感悟能力,即语言意识,只有通过与真实语言的充分接触,才能让自己获得一定的鉴赏眼力,

2. 接受的:我们可以把说与写的技能训练看作创作的 (productive) 活动,而把听和读的训练当作接受的 (receptive) 活动. 我们也可以把听和说的活动归为口语和听力的技能训练,把读和写看作一种书面的技能训练. 这样,

3. 接受性:高频词汇属于产出性(productive)词汇,低频词汇一般属于接受性(receptive)词汇. 因此,我们应该把较多的精力放在高频词汇上. 高中阶段可以把比较常用的1800~2000个单词作为产出性词汇来教学,要求学生不仅会读会拼,记注基本词义,

receptive 词典解释

1. (对新思想或建议)乐于接受的,能接纳的,善于听取的
    Someone who is receptive to new ideas or suggestions is prepared to consider them or accept them.

    e.g. The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas...
    e.g. Do you think that there is any receptive audience for his remarks.

There was less receptiveness to liberalism in some areas.
There was a lack of receptivity to the advances in science.

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2. (对治疗)反应良好的,能接纳的
    If someone who is ill is receptive to treatment, they start to get better when they are given treatment.

    e.g. ...those patients who are not receptive to treatment.

receptive 单语例句

1. The people of Hong Kong are today more receptive to the mainland, a commentator said in an exclusive interview on Monday.


2. Xi also urged the Party to be more tolerant of criticism and receptive to the views of others at a Lunar New Year's gathering.

3. The female's estrus period comes just once a year, and she is receptive for only a few days.

4. The spud wound up in the kitchen of someone with a receptive eye.

5. receptive

5. While not all fitness centres seem receptive to the idea at first, many workers are using their powers of persuasion to negotiate special rates.

6. She decided to study here because Pitt was receptive to her, and the friendliness of Pittsburgh residents has convinced her she made the right choice.

7. He said a few of the greens were more receptive on Saturday, but it was still too dangerous to attack with abandon.

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8. How come they have been so receptive to what you have to say?

9. Yao Chen says being an attentive listener made refugees more receptive to her.

10. If all females of a group become receptive within a short period of time, it becomes increasingly difficult for a particular male to monopolize matings.

receptive 英英释义



1. able to absorb liquid (not repellent)

    e.g. the paper is ink-receptive

2. of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system

    e.g. sensory neurons

    Synonym: centripetal sensory(a)

3. open to arguments, ideas, or change

    e.g. receptive to reason and the logic of facts

4. ready or willing to receive favorably

    e.g. receptive to the proposals

    Synonym: open
