
recapture [ˌri:ˈkæptʃə(r)]  [riˈkæptʃɚ] 






recapture 基本解释

及物动词重温; 重新捕获[夺回]

名词重新捕获; 再次体验

recapture 相关例句



1. The soldiers recaptured their trench.

2. His life and career are brilliantly recaptured in the book.

recapture 网络解释

1. 重新利用,恢复:recalibration 重新校准[刻度] | recapture 重新利用,恢复 | recarbonation 再碳化作用

2. 拿回:recaption 取回 | recapture 拿回 | recast 重铸

3. 取回:recapitulaion 扼要重述 | recapture 取回 | recarburization 增碳作用;再渗碳

4. 再捕獲;再捕個體:recapitulation 重演 | recapture 再捕獲;再捕個體 | recessive 隱性的

recapture 词典解释


1. 重新占领;重新夺回;收复
    When soldiers recapture an area of land or a place, they gain control of it again from an opposing army who had taken it from them.

    e.g. They said the bodies were found when rebels recaptured the area.

2. (从竞争对手手中)重新夺回,重新拿回
    When people recapture something that they have lost to a competitor, they get it back again.

    e.g. I believe that he would be the best possibility to recapture the centre vote in the forthcoming election.

3. 重新捕获;重新抓回
    To recapture a person or animal which has escaped from somewhere means to catch them again.

    e.g. Police have recaptured Alan Lord, who escaped from a police cell in Bolton.

4. (使)再次体验;(使)再次体会
    When you recapture something such as an experience, emotion, or a quality that you had in the past, you experience it again. When something recaptures an experience for you, it makes you remember it.

    e.g. He couldn't recapture the form he'd shown in getting to the semi-final...
    e.g. These cookies seem to recapture all the textures and flavors we remember from childhood.

recapture 单语例句

1. An appropriate degree of land " value recapture " and its redistribution to achieve greater fairness will revive the social cohesion that underlies a strong society.

2. recapture的反义词

2. The police shot the lion with three tranquilizing darts to recapture him.

3. " Relapse " was a painful listen, with Eminem trying to recapture his former glory after four years off battling drug addiction.

4. College reunions can be deadly dull with aging men and women trying desperately to recapture glorious moments of their youth.

5. The governor of Kandahar province confirmed at least 475 escaped and said that a search operation is going on to recapture them.

6. Xinhua reporters in Tripoli heard heavy gunfire beginning early Sunday morning, which authorities later said was Gadhafi supporters celebrating the recapture of Misurata.

7. Their aim was to recapture the Long March as a human experience and to make it accessible and relevant to succeeding generations.

8. Trainers followed the horse but were unable to recapture the mare before it was hit by a car.

9. The anniversary is an opportunity for the city to recapture media attention to tell the nation what's happened to New Orleans since Katrina.

10. He won't be getting any kind of reward for helping recapture Mathe, because none was offered.

recapture 英英释义



1. the act of taking something back

    Synonym: retaking

2. a legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount


1. capture again

    e.g. recapture the escaped prisoner

    Synonym: retake

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. take up anew

    e.g. The author recaptures an old idea here

3. recapture

3. experience anew

    e.g. She could not recapture that feeling of happiness

4. take back by force, as after a battle

    e.g. The military forces managed to recapture the fort

    Synonym: retake
