
recantation [ˌri:kæn'teɪʃn]  [ˌrikænˈteʃən] 

recantation 基本解释


recantation 网络解释


1. 取消前言, 改变论调:annual rainfall 年降雨量 | recantation 取消前言, 改变论调 | salvationist 救世军军人, 传道者 救世军的

2. 改变论调:incantation 咒语 | recantation 改变论调 | ostensible 表面的;假装的

3. 取消前言:recant 放弃 | recantation 取消前言 | recap 翻新胎面

4. 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错:rebuke 训斥 | recantation 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错 | recant 放弃(信仰、主张等),撤回(声明等),公开认错

recantation 双语例句

1. Pope Adrian I also became involved, and the recantation of both men was obtained.

2. I'll make her howl a recantation!

3. This paper introduces Mill's wages theory in detail, as well as the discussion and criticism about the main contents of the wage fund theory, focusing on an analysis of the Mill's recantation of the wages fund theory.

4. They regarded the request for delay as merely the prelude to his recantation.

5. He renounced his former recantation and, as a dying man, solemnly required an opportunity to make his defense.

6. Try as he may to comfort us with his recantation, Euripides fails.

7. I seize this opportunity to make a full and unequivocal recantation, and thus publicly to ask pardon of my God, of my country, and of my brethren the poor slaves, for having uttered a sentiment so full of timidity, injustice and absurdity.

8. The bishop of Meaux, forced to choose between the fire and recantation, accepted the easier path; but notwithstanding the leader's fall, his flock remained steadfast.


9. Recantation was not enough to appease the company and she was sacked a few days later.

10. During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Recantation.

11. I'll make her howl a recantation!'

recantation 英英释义



1. a disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion

    Synonym: retraction abjuration
