
rebuild [ˌri:ˈbɪld]  [riˈbɪld] 





rebuild 基本解释


及物动词重建; 恢复; 重新组装; 再形成某事物

rebuild 相关例句


1. The house was rebuilt after the fire.

rebuild 网络解释


1. 重新构建:哦,是的,您也可以用一个命令重新构建(rebuild)整个系统. 所有事情都是在一个非常简单、明了的情况下完成的. Arch Linux 努力提供和维护最新的稳定版软件. 当前我们支持一套清晰的核心软件包,和一套正在成长的由用户和 AL 开发者制作的扩展(extra)软件包.

2. 重构:Active Hot Spare 不需第二次重构过 程,消除了重构 (Rebuild)对系统的影 响. 2. 用户可以有多个 Active Hot Spares 盘,所以 HP AutoRAID 能使用户从多次顺序磁盘故障中恢复数据而无需操作员干 预.

rebuild 词典解释

1. 重建;重修
    When people rebuild something such as a building or a city, they build it again after it has been damaged or destroyed.

    e.g. They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps...
    e.g. The castle was rebuilt by his great grandson in 1859.

2. 重建,重组,复原(机构、制度或生活的某些方面)
    When people rebuild something such as an institution, a system, or an aspect of their lives, they take action to bring it back to its previous condition.

    e.g. Everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy...
    e.g. Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage...

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3. 复原,修复(身体某一部分)
    If doctors rebuild part of someone's body that has been damaged, they operate on that person to make them well again.

    e.g. Two weeks later, surgeons carried out the operation to rebuild his face.

rebuild 单语例句

1. Obama has promised voters to rebuild US manufacturing industries and create more jobs and is trying to bring overseas business operations back to the US.

2. The Chinese peacekeepers helped Cambodia rebuild four motorways with a total length of 640 kilometers and constructed 47 new bridges in just two years.

3. The idea behind the capital injection program is for banks to use the money to rebuild reserves and lend more freely to customers.

4. Habitat for Humanity China's chief executive officer Alfred Tsang said the volunteers would rebuild houses in Taizi village for a week.

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5. The ICBC said that in addition to corporate restructuring, the bank will rebuild its business process to better serve its clients and increase benefits.

6. The Zimbabwe government has defended the operation as an urban cleanup drive, and has promised to help the displaced rebuild.

7. Officials decided not to rebuild in the area because it is close to a fault line.

8. rebuild的解释

8. It is necessary to rebuild communication channels with the DPRK and to maintain close cooperation with China to handle the DPRK's missile and nuclear issues.

9. rebuild的反义词

9. Only in this way can they help rebuild confidence in the region's business partners and investors.

10. The event also calls on society to contemplate the future of folk culture, enhance protective social consciousness and rebuild an indestructible spiritual home.

rebuild 英英释义


1. build again

    e.g. The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb

    Synonym: reconstruct
