1. 房地产经纪人:在洛杉矶买房的经历是此前从未能想象的,其方便和快捷实在出乎我的意料,几乎所有的事都可委托房地产经纪人(Real Estate Broker)去代办. 我先生通过朋友介绍找到一位姓孙的华裔经纪人,在电话中将自己的买房要求告诉他,孙先生殷勤地应允尽力效劳.
2. 不动产经纪人:由于经营 业务的不同,可分为证券和商品经纪人 (commodity broker), 保险经纪人(insurance broker)和不动产经纪人(real estate broker). brokerage 经纪人佣金 指经纪人的服务报酬. 通常按交易金额 的一定比率计算. brought down 转入次页,
3. 房地产:Retail Buyer 零售采购员 | Real Estate Manager 房地产经理 | Real Estate Broker 房地产
4. 房地产商:in action 在活动,在运转 | real estate broker 房地产商 | beauty salon 美容院
1. A sales broker at a real estate agent replaces a property advertisement in the company's window display in London.
1. a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land
e.g. in England they call a real estate agent a land agent
Synonym: real estate agent estate agent land agent house agent