reading material

reading material[ˈri:diŋ məˈtiəriəl] 

reading material 基本解释
reading material 网络解释

1. 阅读材料:课文语言规范,容易理解,阅读材料(Reading Material)主要是课文的拓展部分,收入了一些与课文相关的文章,以加深读者对这些专业理论知识的全面理解. 考虑到给水排水工程专业近年的发展、专业外语课时的限制,为扩大读者获知面,提高读者阅读理解的能力,

2. 读物:legi 读 read | legaco 读物 reading material | legebla 可读的 legible

reading material 单语例句

1. As more and more people prefer enjoying pictures to reading text material, caricature has become an important part of the mainstream of the world culture.

2. Some of the changes include making the pub more like a modern coffee shop with wireless Internet connection and reading material.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The study said students who read online more frequently also read a greater variety of print material and report higher enjoyment of reading itself.

4. reading material的反义词

4. Those polled also picked newspapers as their first choice for reading material, the survey showed.

5. He hopes free access to inspiring reading material might help future generations in China's remote rural areas find their own paths in life.

6. reading material是什么意思

6. Presiding judge Peter Smith pointed out that in the Internet age, it was difficult for researchers to know the provenance of the material they were reading.

7. In this sense, the online library has offered the world a new source of reading material.

8. reading material的意思

8. The editors have included extensive reading material from many popular newspapers and magazines.

9. reading material的反义词

9. It's certainly not the material that's funny and I guarantee that a blank reading of Blake Edwards's script would be a rather dull affair.

reading material 英英释义


1. written material intended to be read

    e.g. the teacher assigned new readings
           he bought some reading material at the airport

    Synonym: reading
