reaction time

reaction time [riˈækʃən taim]  [riˈækʃən taɪm] 

reaction time 基本解释


reaction time 网络解释

reaction time

1. 反应时间:1.反应时间(Reaction Time) 指仪器的一个分析周期中,试剂和样品混合最末一点测定读数时间. 它对终点法尤其重要,是终点法的瓶颈. 有的仪器多个反应时间可选L如Hl-TACHI 7170),须预先选定. 多数仪器10分钟左右,这对试剂提出了较高要求.

2. 时间:如果大量饮酒,那么平衡能力(balance)、语言能力(speech)、视力(vision)、反应时间(reaction time)和听力(hearing)都将受到影响. 发现危险(danger detection)变得困难. 判断能力、自制力(self-control)、分析能力(reasoning)与记忆力(memory)都会受到不良影响.

3. 反应时:他认为,反应时(reaction time)反映了神经冲动传导速度这类基本因素,因此,可用来作为分析比较复杂的行为反应的基本成分. 这种反应时测量方法,成了现代信息加工研究的一种重要方法,因为对心理过程所经历的时间的研究,

4. 制动反应时间:充分发出的平均减速度 mean fully developed braking deceleration (MFDD) | 制动反应时间 reaction time | 促动时间 actuating time

5. reaction time:rt.; 反应时间

reaction time 单语例句

1. By the time Obama's tally for electoral votes exceeded 270 on the giant screen, the reaction from the Chinese students were toned down.

2. Her reaction time ranked fourth among the eight finalists and from then on she kept ahead.


3. But Davutoglu said it was " time that calm replaced anger in reaction to Israel " and he urged people to avoid impulsive behavior.

4. It is not the first time Mourinho has criticised Cole in public, although he expects a good reaction.

5. Sun had a sluggish reaction time and was sixth after the first 50m.

6. Liu's reaction time in winning his first indoor world title earlier this year was literally astonishing.

7. The human rights activists said the council members'rush to trial could be an emotional reaction that will temper with time.

8. reaction time的翻译

8. Their slow reaction gave the two thieves ample time to flee the scene.

9. reaction time

9. This time, reaction to the McCartney killing could mark a turning point.

10. It will be interesting to see this time what the domestic stock market's reaction will be to the rates hike.

reaction time 英英释义

reaction time


1. the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it

    Synonym: response time latency latent period
