
react [riˈækt]  [riˈækt] 







react 基本解释

不及物动词反应,作出反应; 影响; 起反作用

及物动词使发生相互作用; 使起化学反应; 反抗; 再演,重演

react 相关词组

1. react to : 作出反应;

react 相关例句


1. We make superphosphate by reacting rock phosphate with sulphuric acid.


1. Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.

2. How do acids react on metals?

3. An acid can react with a base to form a salt.

4. The eye reacts to light.

react 网络解释


1. 影响:第十一段:强势位置:当某只股票已经向上穿越了45度角且向上到达了2X1位置,该股票将被抛出而且会影响(react)到某一角度,该角度来自于最后一次移动的底部,但当它保持在2X1角度之上时,它是处于一个较强的位置的;而当它向上穿越了4X1角度的时候,

2. 响应动作(阻塞web站点):resp - 主动反应(切断连接等). | react - 响应动作(阻塞web站点). | reference - 外部攻击参考ids.

react 词典解释

1. (作出)反应;回应
    When you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it.

    e.g. They reacted violently to the news...
    e.g. It's natural to react with disbelief if your child is accused of bullying...

2. react在线翻译

2. 反抗;不服;反对
    If you react against someone's way of behaving, you deliberately behave in a different way because you do not like the way they behave.

    e.g. She reacted against the mindlessness and luxury of their lives...
    e.g. My father never saved and perhaps I reacted against that.

3. react是什么意思

3. 产生不良反应;过敏
    If you react to a substance such as a drug, or to something you have touched, you are affected unpleasantly or made ill by it.

    e.g. Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese...
    e.g. He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy.

4. 起(化学)变化;发生(化学)反应
    When one chemical substance reacts with another, or when two chemical substances react, they combine chemically to form another substance.

    e.g. Calcium reacts with water...
    e.g. Under normal circumstances, these two gases react readily to produce carbon dioxide and water.

react 单语例句

1. If the patient fails to react you must call the emergency services immediately.

2. Letterman also presented a Top 10 list on how Woods might improve his image, with Tom Hanks making a cameo to react to each entry.

3. The two dozen members of the cast worried about how the audience would react to their performance in the production in Guangzhou.

4. react什么意思

4. A too low ceiling will leave little room for doctors to have treatment options, which is essential as patients react differently to different therapies and medicines.

5. react

5. The chain's control center in Shanghai can easily read the power consumption data of all its stores across China every day and react accordingly.

6. Performers react during Legend of Chastity, which was choreographed by Pina Bausch.

7. react

7. She declined to comment on what she will do next and refused to react to the statement about Duan's arrest.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Even if his proposed constitutional amendment made next year's ballot, it's not clear how voters would react.

9. Riders have two hours to react if a controller has not found him at home.

10. react的解释

10. Indian cricketers face adulation like movie stars, but face regular criticism from fans who often react violently if the team flops.

react 英英释义


1. undergo a chemical reaction
    react with another substance under certain conditions

    e.g. The hydrogen and the oxygen react

2. show a response or a reaction to something

    Synonym: respond

3. act against or in opposition to

    e.g. She reacts negatively to everything I say

    Synonym: oppose
