






reaches 基本解释
reaches 单语例句

1. The incident caused panic buying of bottled water in Liuzhou city at the lower reaches of the river over the past few days.

2. By the time the radiation reaches China, it will be diluted.

3. To ensure water safety in the lower reaches of the river, the provincial government yesterday ordered Guangzhou and Foshan cities to activate emergency response schemes.

4. But when the production capacity reaches a certain level, economic development should no longer be aimed at expanding it further.

5. Banks may require having core capital that reaches or exceeds 4 percent of total assets, said the report.

6. Prebiotics describe a type of food - usually a form of carbohydrate, which passes through the small intestine undigested until it reaches the colon.

7. Unexpected rain hit the upper reaches of the river in Central China and forced various reservoirs to discharge simultaneously.

8. This marks a significant step toward minimizing the mammoth hydroelectric project's ecological impact on the central and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

9. reaches什么意思

9. The China Central Meteorological Station yesterday issued a storm warning for the Huaihe River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

10. reaches

10. He is a Travel Channel host, and his program reaches millions across China.
