
rationalize [ˈræʃnəlaɪz]  [ˈræʃənəˌlaɪz] 







rationalize 基本解释


及物动词使合理化; 据理解释; 使消根; 文饰

rationalize 相关例句



1. Life has been rationalized by science.

rationalize 网络解释


1. 精简;合理厘定;合理调整:ratio promotion 按比例升级 | rationalize 精简;合理厘定;合理调整 | raw case 未经审查的个案

2. 有理化:rationalization 有理化 | rationalize 有理化 | rationally equivalent 有理等价的

3. 使合理化:rush冲 | rationalize使合理化 | rational理性的a

rationalize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 rationalise

1. 使…合理化;对…进行理性解释
    If you try to rationalize attitudes or actions that are difficult to accept, you think of reasons to justify or explain them.

    e.g. He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace...
    e.g. I poured my thoughts out on paper in an attempt to rationalize my feelings.

...this rationalization of his bedside grief.

2. rationalize在线翻译

2. 精简;(通常指通过削减员工和设备)使更有效率
    When a company, system, or industry is rationalized, it is made more efficient, usually by getting rid of staff and equipment that are not essential.

    e.g. The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices.

...the rationalization of the textile industry.
rationalize 单语例句

1. The recent conception of China's " peaceful development " serves as an overarching theme to rationalize future Chinese intentions for a world audience.

2. Those who rationalize this disconnect have argued that our soldiers are volunteers, happy doing what they signed up to do.

3. rationalize

3. To rationalize the efficacy of this approach, the Fed has rewritten the script on the transmission mechanism of discretionary monetary policy.

4. The government needs to rationalize its national wealth distribution system urgently by imposing tax on the real income of individuals and enterprises.

5. It will continuously rationalize the refined oil price and form a pricing mechanism, and start the experimental reform of natural gas pricing mechanism.

6. Against this backdrop it has become an important topic in the area of international economics to justify and rationalize the global economic order.

7. If a national carbon trade market can be established, it will help to rationalize the liquidity of carbon emissions and accelerate green research.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. The Chinese government has been encouraging consolidation of the steel sector to rationalize the industry structure and eliminate obsolete facilities.

9. So a reform is needed to rationalize China's power price system, said Wang.

10. China will impose stricter requirements for new dairy processing factories on April 1 in a move to rationalize the industry.

rationalize 英英释义


1. rationalize是什么意思

1. weed out unwanted or unnecessary things

    e.g. We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet

    Synonym: cut prune rationalise

2. remove irrational quantities from

    e.g. This function can be rationalized

    Synonym: rationalise

3. think rationally
    employ logic or reason

    e.g. When one wonders why one is doing certain things, one should rationalize

    Synonym: rationalise

4. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning

    e.g. rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior
           he rationalized his lack of success

    Synonym: apologize apologise excuse justify rationalise

5. structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results

    e.g. We rationalized the factory's production and raised profits

    Synonym: rationalise
