rates of exchange

rates of exchange

rates of exchange 单语例句

1. The adjustment of exchange rates and interest rates will affect banks'capital prices and commercial banks'operation and management.

2. The central bank will steadily marketize interest rates and enhance flexibility of the yuan's exchange rate.

3. They recognized the " adverse implications " of volatile financial flows and exchange rates for economic stability, reaffirmed their commitment to refrain from competitive devaluation.

4. The better policy choice for the Chinese government is to fix its exchange rates based on its goals of controlling inflation.

5. rates of exchange的近义词

5. When we discuss foreign exchange rates, we mean the value of our currency against a foreign benchmark.

6. rates of exchange

6. This exchange rate is considerably above a free market rate that would be determined in a regime of flexible exchange rates.

7. Direct trading of the currencies means that the two countries will not be using the dollar as an intermediary in setting exchange rates.

8. They are also related to an extent with the fluctuations of the US dollar's exchange rates with other major international currencies.

9. There was apparent agreement on a new wave of coordinated interventions, but the agreed exchange rates did not hold.

10. rates of exchange

10. Many of ZTE's contracts in Europe are for several years, but at fixed exchange rates.
