
rarest [reərɪst]  [reərɪst] 




rarest 基本解释
rarest 网络解释

1. 稀罕的:rareripe 早熟的 | rarest 稀罕的 | raring 渴望的

2. 稀有:7. 最小 Smallest | 8. 稀有 Rarest | 9. 最古老 Oldest

rarest 单语例句

1. rarest的意思

1. The twin girls were one of the country's rarest types of conjoined twins.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. In a large market even the rarest tastes can be catered for, opening entrepreneurial niches for exotic products and services.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Famous for their particularly long arms, gibbons are one of the rarest species in Asia.

4. This oldest and rarest fern variety dates back some 200 million years.

5. Thousands of people are breathlessly waiting for one of the largest and rarest flowers in the world to bloom.

6. My dream is to have a sweet minute shop that would house some of the rarest novels and fables available in this world.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. It has become one of the world's rarest and most expensive coffees.

8. The rarest was a silk newspaper marking the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997.

9. Native only to South Asia, sandalwood takes decades to grow and is one of the world's rarest timbers.

10. These wines are the rarest from the vineyard and are only produced in exceptional years.
