1. The film shows the rapidity of the changes in this area of medicine.
1. 迅速:他的举动被热心路人用相机记录(record)下来放到网上,迅速(rapidity)成为近两日各大论坛的热帖. 昨(19)日下午,记者与一名不愿透露姓名的知情街坊取得联系(relation). 经对方确认,照片中的场景正是上周五下午发生在广州越秀区华乐街支援抗震救灾募捐活动(movement)现场的一幕.
2. 速:他的举动被热心路人用相机记录(record)下来放到网上,迅速(rapidity)成为近两日各大论坛的热帖. 昨(19)日下午,记者与一名不愿透露姓名的知情街坊取得联系(relation). 经对方确认,照片中的场景正是上周五下午发生在广州越秀区华乐街支援抗震救灾募捐活动(movement)现场的一幕.
3. 快度:rankine hugoniot relations 兰金 雨贡纽关系 | rapidity 快度 | rare earth elements 稀土元素
1. She was impressed by Yang's abilities to capture subjects'moods and use perspective to convey the rapidity of the country's transition.
2. They created a particular form of movement made of fluidity, rapidity and precision.
3. rapidity的意思
3. China's current commitment to popular English competence is historically unprecedented in its rapidity and scale.
4. Every test was carried out with such rapidity that I barely had time to register what was happening.
1. a rate that is rapid
Synonym: celerity quickness rapidness speediness