rank and file

rank and file [ræŋk ænd fail]  [ræŋk ənd faɪl] 

rank and file 基本解释
rank and file 相关例句


1. There was a great deal of rank and file supporting for the strike.

rank and file 网络解释

rank and file的反义词

1. 大众:rain or shine 不论如何 | rank and file 大众 | treat or trick 不给甜头就有好看的

2. 普通一兵,普通老百姓:Rain cats and dogs 大雨倾盆 | rank and file 普通一兵,普通老百姓 | read between the lines 体会言外之意

3. 员佐级人员:rank 职级 | rank and file 员佐级人员 | rank and file grade 员佐级职系

4. 普通成员:pull rank (尤指不公正地)运用权势 | rank and file 普通成员 | rank after rank of bottles 一排排的酒瓶子

rank and file 单语例句

1. Plagiarism is another form of dishonesty that has percolated from the rank and file to the most elite class.

2. " The silence from the Democrat rank and file on this matter has been deafening, " McConnell said.

3. Last May, the Likud rank and file overwhelmingly voted against the withdrawal plan in a party referendum.

4. In other words, rank and file workers at the assembly line are not at fault.

5. But Likud leaders are lining up behind it, and the rank and file are expected to vote in favour.

6. Critics said it highlighted the Iraqi army's poor leadership and the low morale among its rank and file.

7. Many of them are not in the rank and file of soldiers, officers of different ranks are all on the firing line.

8. But numerous members of the rank and file did little to hide their concern.

9. Although most of the rank and file were Arabs, the units included European settlers and North African Jews who rallied to the French cause.

rank and file 英英释义


1. rank and file什么意思

1. the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army)

    e.g. the strike was supported by the union rank and file
           he rose from the ranks to become a colonel

    Synonym: rank

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. people who constitute the main body of any group
