
ram [ræm]  [ræm] 







ram 基本解释


名词公羊; <天>(R-)白羊(星)座; <机>夯; 攻城槌

及物动词夯实(土等); 猛撞; 猛压; 反复灌输

不及物动词(使)猛烈撞击; 迅速移动; 迫使…明白

ram 网络解释

1. 撞锤:海面布满了百余艘大小不一的舰艇,诸如:搭载大量炮台的大型战舰、补给用的输送舰、高速炮舰,以及装载撞锤(Ram)、登陆和接舷(Aboardage)专用活动桥的突袭舰......等等,式样繁多.

2. ram:structural radar absorbing materials; 雷达吸波材料

3. ram:radar-wave-absorbing material; 吸波材料

4. ram:random access memory; 随机存取存储器

5. ram:red access memory; 随机存储器

ram 词典解释

1. 和…相撞;猛撞;撞击
    If a vehicle rams something such as another vehicle, it crashes into it with a lot of force, usually deliberately.

    e.g. The thieves fled, ramming the policeman's car...
    e.g. They used a lorry to ram the main gate.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 猛推
    If you ram something somewhere, you push it there with great force.

    e.g. He rammed the key into the lock and kicked the front door open.

3. 成年公羊
    A ram is an adult male sheep.

4. see also: battering ram

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 充分说明;使透彻理解
    If something rams home a message or a point, it makes it clear in a way that is very forceful and that people are likely to listen to.

    e.g. Railway lines are dangerous places and it is up to parents to ram home the dangers to their children...
    e.g. The report by Marks & Spencer's chairman will ram this point home...

ram 单语例句

1. The bus plunged into a mountain valley despite the driver's efforts to ram the bus into the mountain to slow the unbridled descent.

2. ram

2. His elder brother Ram who also was born in Hong Kong says Dil left behind his wife and children in Nepal.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Rao, an official at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the Indian capital.

4. That's the message FIFA doesn't seem to get every time it tries to ram the Confederations Cup down people's throats.

5. The developed world can hardly try to ram binding emission cuts down the South's throat while such inequality exists.

6. The ram set fire to the vehicle and badly damaged the gate.

7. I look back into the disbelieving eyes of a ram, whose horns are being lashed to the back window's frame.

8. The suspects twice tried to ram the car through a sliding security grille in an apparent attempt to break into a luxury goods section.

9. Ram said he is not aware of problems faced by his brother, whose friends described a person suffering mental illness.

10. Ram Ram used to accept scribbles on cigarette packs or on pieces of old newspaper.

ram 英英释义



1. uncastrated adult male sheep

    e.g. a British term is `tup'

    Synonym: tup

2. ram的反义词

2. a tool for driving or forcing something by impact


1. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically

    e.g. She rammed her mind into focus
           He drives me mad

    Synonym: force drive

2. crowd or pack to capacity

    e.g. the theater was jampacked

    Synonym: jam jampack chock up cram wad

3. undergo damage or destruction on impact

    e.g. the plane crashed into the ocean
           The car crashed into the lamp post

    Synonym: crash

4. ram的反义词

4. strike or drive against with a heavy impact

    e.g. ram the gate with a sledgehammer
           pound on the door

    Synonym: ram down pound
