rallying cry

rallying cry

第三人称复数:rallying cries

rallying cry 基本解释
rallying cry 网络解释


1. 战斗口号:rallye 长距离赛车 | rallying cry 战斗口号 | rallying point 聚集点

2. 重整之吼:Righteous Command/正直律令 | Rallying Cry/重整之吼 | Cry of Inspiration/欢欣鼓舞

3. (起号召作用的)战斗口号:794raciala. 种族的 | 796rallying cry(起号召作用的)战斗口号 | 797randomly任意选择的人(如为进行抽样调查)

rallying cry 单语例句

1. Such sound bites can then be repeated on other occasions and become a rallying cry for supporters.

2. But despite the rallying cry for saving water, the first indoor ski resort in the city will open to the public next week.

3. Both sides in the debate expect the issue to figure prominently in the November election, with Massachusetts serving as a rallying cry and alarm bell.

4. The rallying cry of the international lynch mob out to slander China at any cost has a familiar ring.

5. They are less likely to oppose pornography and less likely to follow that old rallying cry - the personal is political.

6. " Don't touch my junk, " became a national rallying cry.

7. This could have been no more than a rallying cry to get the players through the rigors of the preseason.

rallying cry 英英释义

rallying cry的反义词


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. a yell intended to rally a group of soldiers in battle

    Synonym: war cry war whoop battle cry

2. a slogan used to rally support for a cause

    e.g. a cry to arms
           our watchword will be `democracy'

    Synonym: war cry battle cry cry watchword
