
rainwater [ˈreɪnwɔ:tə(r)]  [ˈrenˌwɔtɚ, -ˌwɑtɚ] 

rainwater 基本解释


rainwater 网络解释


1. 雨水:普洱茶(puer tea)可以防辐射,原因如下:在中国的众多的茶区中云南为中国一类茶区,由于云南当地土壤(soil)资源优秀,气候(climate)适宜,雨水(rainwater)丰富,非常适合茶叶的生长.

2. 雨水;软水:rainwash 地表径流 | rainwater 雨水;软水 | raise steam 锅炉点火

3. 雨水, 软水 (名):rainstorm 暴风雨 (名) | rainwater 雨水, 软水 (名) | rainy day 穷困时期; 雨天

rainwater 词典解释

1. 雨水
    Rainwater is water that has fallen as rain.

rainwater 单语例句

1. " Residents live on canned food and rainwater tanks, " Ali said.

2. Recent TV reports show how each family has maintained a cistern on their land to preserve rainwater and store water from nearby streams.

3. A rainwater collection and storage system is built for landscape irrigation and to clean roads and vehicles.

4. Using water supplied partly by rainwater collected in the Sunshine Valley, they are adjustable according to the ratio of service area for female and male users.

5. As irrigation here is still very much dependent on rainfall, farmers make ridges along slopes to use rainwater to irrigate their crops.

6. Officials with the bureau said the province faced " discouraging " water resources for the spring farming, and called on local farmers to collect rainwater.

7. The emulsion poured onto the ground and then into the rainwater pipe that is linked to the sewage system.

8. Rooftop farms are not only bringing agriculture back to the city, they could capture millions of liters of rainwater.

9. rainwater的意思

9. Chen called for joint efforts by the regions along the Pearl River estuary to build a forest that will help catch and store rainwater.

10. Rainwater collected from the venue's roof will be used to flush toilets and reduce water use at the venue by up to 40%.

rainwater 英英释义



1. drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds

    Synonym: rain
