1. 雨林:2008年11月19日... 2009年: 国家地理- <<雨林>>(Rain Forest) 国家地理- <<绿城>>... [转会] Ghost加盟EYE 俄罗斯战队出征WC3L [视频] WCG2009主办城市成都...
2. 热带雨林:(1)热带雨林(rain forest) 一般分布在赤道南北5~100左右的范围内. 群落内有丰富的粗大木质藤本、有花附生植物、板根现象、茎花现象、(半)纹杀植物等. 乔木层最高可达60~80m. 群落层次结构复杂,仅乔木层就可分3层以上. 具有丰富的植物种类(尤其乔木).
3. 林:<更新内容> 地图: 雨林(Rain Forest) 竞技模式、团队决战模式、个人决战模式、竞技模式(虚拟对手)、团队决战模式...生化模式4滑稽点:1、在僵尸存在的时候,人类能用刀,银刀,锤子去敲打异形,只要有僵尸存在异形感染不了人类.
4. (热带的)雨林:quantify v. 量化 | rain forest (热带的)雨林 | rainforest deforestation 砍伐雨林
1. The UN has just published a report suggesting that 98 percent of the natural rain forest in Indonesia will be degraded or gone by 2022.
2. Global warming is expected to dry up and kill off vast tracts of rain forest, and dying forests will feed global warming.
3. Geologists say the forest is a natural occurrence formed 200 million years ago and reshaped by rain and wind erosion in the eons since.
4. The FEF said the problem was aggravated by the heat and humidity of Manaus, a city located in the heart of the Amazon rain forest.
5. In the wild, they live in the rain forest in northeastern Papua New Guinea.
6. Towering rain forest trees exploded in flames, their canopies cleared to let pasture grow for cattle.
7. The park is filled with lush rain forest, limestone cliffs and numerous caves.
8. The newborn has brought the number of gibbons to 20 in the tropical rain forest at the reserve.
9. Leaders of seven Central African countries signed a landmark treaty on Saturday to work together to help save the world's second largest rain forest.
10. They are not some rare species that can only be sighted in the deepest recesses of the tropical rain forest or the Siberian plain.