rain down

rain down

rain down 单语例句

1. The rain comes, and I could calm down and think about the match.

2. rain down

2. Most street cleaners, firefighters and policemen stuck to their posts while the rain came pounding down.

3. rain down的翻译

3. Luckily we missed hell because of flooding after too much rain, which prevented us from going further down in the cave in a boat.

4. The wind was blowing so hard and the rain was coming down.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Combatants float through the air in dreamlike fashion, arrows rain down like swarming locusts.

6. rain down的翻译

6. But as their feet grew heavy in sticky mud after days of rain, up to 20 soldiers were needed to relay each stretcher down to safety.

7. " Rocks occasionally fell down the slope during heavy rain, " said a man surnamed Luo.

8. The mountains in El Salvador quickly funneled rain down into populated valleys.

9. Forget Gene Kelly singing in the rain - Li Xinyi is the coalman who dances down the road when his deliveries are done.

10. He immediately knelt down in front of the company and refused to leave despite heavy rain.
