
railroad [ˈreɪlrəʊd]  [ˈreɪlroʊd] 






railroad 基本解释


名词铁路,铁道; 铁路系统,铁路公司

动词迫使…仓促行事; 强使…草率通过 ; 强迫…做; 轻率判处

railroad 相关例句



1. The directors railroaded their chairman into a decision.

2. His enemies tried to railroad him to prison without a fair trial.

3. These goods will be railroaded to that city.


1. A new railroad is under construction.

railroad 情景对话


A:Where will it be?

B:Take me to the railroad station. Can you put my baggage in the trunk?

A:O.K. But let me park my car in a better position. All right, miss. Where are the bags?

B:Over there.

A:That’s a lot. What did you bring with you?

B:They’re just gifts I bought. Don’t worry. They are not heavy.

railroad 网络解释

1. 铁路:他们也必须立即接受. 到冶金学(Metallurgy)研究出来后失效. 200工业值,让所有城市里的一个满足的市民高兴. 到铁路(railroad)研究出后失效. 300工业值,所有城市的寺庙效果加倍,神学(theology)研究出后失效

2. 路:(C)铁路(Railroad)铁路的出现大大地方便了欧洲的工业化,在十八世纪中叶,铁路已是连接矿井口(Pithead)与煤矿(Colliery)或锅炉(Furnace)之间的常见交通工具.

3. 铁路(美国用语):railway:铁路(英国用语) | railroad;铁路(美国用语) | streetcar:电车(美语)

4. 鐵路:[工業革命,經濟學][鐵路]:Quantum Physics量子物理:[物理学,火箭技术][核弹,核电站] | Railroad铁路:[工业革命,经济学][铁路] | Religion宗教:[无][庙宇,拉玛亚娜]

railroad 词典解释

1. railroad的解释

1. 铁路;铁道
    A railroad is a route between two places along which trains travel on steel rails.

    e.g. ...railroad tracks that led to nowhere...
    e.g. The railroad finally reached Santa Barbara in 1877.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 railway

2. 铁路公司;铁路部门
    A railroad is a company or organization that operates railway routes.

    e.g. ...The Chicago and Northwestern Railroad.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 railway

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 强迫,迫使(某人仓促行事)
    If you railroad someone into doing something, you make them do it although they do not really want to, by hurrying them and putting pressure on them.

    e.g. He more or less railroaded the rest of Europe into recognising the new 'independent' states...
    e.g. He railroaded the reforms through.

railroad 单语例句

1. Train services across northern India have been disrupted as railroad authorities work to clear the tracks.

2. The national railroad was planning to spend more than $ 1 billion to expand lines to carry crude to China.

3. railroad是什么意思

3. Elsewhere in Fort Pierce, a large steel railroad crossing signal downtown was twisted like a corkscrew.

4. The derailment was being investigated by Canadian National and the Federal Railroad Administration.

5. railroad在线翻译

5. The task of digging the tunnels went to Chinese workers who had returned to the area after helping build the railroad across the US.

6. Thousands of Dutch commuters were stranded overnight when the railroad service suspended all trains because of obstructions to the tracks and downed power cables.

7. " The building of the express railroad has already brought economic benefit to my family, " Wang said.

8. Egypt witnessed a lot of deadly railway crashes over the past few years, reflecting its deteriorating railway system and the lack of railroad maintenance.

9. Thousands of railway workers and volunteers are struggling to end the biggest railway crisis in southern China's busiest railroad line.

10. Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad added $ 603 million in its first full quarter as part of Berkshire.

railroad 英英释义



1. a line of track providing a runway for wheels

    e.g. he walked along the railroad track

    Synonym: railroad track railway

2. railroad是什么意思

2. line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight

    Synonym: railway railroad line railway line railway system


1. transport by railroad

2. supply with railroad lines

    e.g. railroad the West

3. railroad的反义词

3. compel by coercion, threats, or crude means

    e.g. They sandbagged him to make dinner for everyone

    Synonym: dragoon sandbag
