1. 豚草:第十一章 变态反应 北美温带地区的许多人担心8月的到来,因为豚草(ragweed)散出的花粉会使他们流鼻涕和打喷嚏,要用很多手帕和抗组胺药. 可怜的豚草为了繁殖,使我们受害. 一株草每天可以散布一百万粒花粉,大部分集中在早晨6-8点钟,
2. 猪草:March 12, 2003 (丹佛)- 连续六周注射与Amb a 1猪草(ragweed)过敏原有关的寡核甘酸(oligonucleotide)免疫刺激剂(ISS),其缓解猪草过敏的效果至少可达2年以上.
3. 豚草属:weeds 野草 | ragweed 豚草属 | sage 鼠尾草
1. Other species that have spread to the city include the Ragweed, the Vegetable Leaf Miner and the Banana Moth.
1. ragweed的反义词
1. any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma
Synonym: ambrosia bitterweed
2. widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers
sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity
Synonym: ragwort tansy ragwort benweed Senecio jacobaea