1. 狂犬病:狂犬病(rabies)是由狂犬病病毒引起的一种人兽共患传染病,几乎所有的温血动物均对狂犬病毒易感,犬是发展中国家人狂犬病最主要的储存宿主和传播宿主.人感染狂犬病最常见的方式是通过感染狂犬病毒的犬、猫、野生食肉动物以及吸血蝙蝠的咬伤、挠抓、舔舐皮肤或粘膜破损处而感染.狂犬病毒主要通过破损的皮肤或粘膜侵入人体,
2. 狂犬--狂犬病:通常是被患有狂犬狂犬病(RABIES)是一种病毒性疾病,会攻击所有温血动物包括人类的中枢神经系统;一旦感染便无药可治!绝大多数饲养猫狗的依法规定必须令其宠物接种狂犬病疫苗. 通常是被患有狂犬病的动物咬伤而因其唾液中含有病毒而或染此病.
3. 狂犬症:极罕 亦有因移植眼角膜或硬脑膜而引起狂犬症 (rabies)或(4) 致病原特 性之抗体(IgM)效价达诊断意义或IgG抗体(5) 致病原特 性之抗体(IgM)效价达诊断意义或IgG抗体(5) 致病原特 性之抗体(IgM)效价达诊断意义或IgG抗体眼睑炎(bl
1. 狂犬病
Rabies is a serious disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die. Rabies is particularly common in dogs.
1. rabies是什么意思
1. Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis, most commonly by a bite from an infected animal.
2. The rabies virus spreads through the central nervous system and causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
3. The ICVS is a legally registered and officially designated animal vaccination hospital, and can provide the required legal rabies vaccination and official vaccination certificate for export.
4. Deng said the bureau has 45 rabies clinics that open round the clock for any dog injury emergencies and is planning to set up more.
5. The official said the government does not condone the slaughter of dogs, unless they have rabies.
6. The pit bull was quarantined Wednesday by Minneapolis Animal Control officers while rabies tests are being completed.
7. The report said the ministry aims to improve its rabies control program by increasing epidemic surveillance and enhance interaction local and national between authorities.
8. Mao said it was unreasonable to suggest a cull of dogs would prevent rabies in the city.
9. The problematic rabies vaccines reported recently in some southern provinces is a reminder that some vaccine producers do cut corners in production and quality examinations.
10. The death rate from rabies is the highest among major infectious diseases in recent years.
1. rabies在线翻译
1. an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal)
rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain
Synonym: hydrophobia lyssa madness