
rabble [ˈræbl]  [ˈræbəl] 

rabble 基本解释


名词乌合之众; 暴民; 群氓; 下等人

rabble 相关例句


1. He doesn't mix with the rabble here.

2. A rabble of angry citizens stormed the embassy.

rabble 网络解释


1. 搅拌杆:搅拌杆 rabble | 炉浴搅拌 rabble a bath | 搅拌 rabbling

2. 搅拌棒:rabbit 清管器 | rabble 搅拌棒 | rabbler 刮九

3. 搅拌器耙子:r.p.m. 分钟转数 | rabble 搅拌器耙子 | rabbling 搅拌

4. 耙子:rabbit-hair spinning machine 兔毛纺织机 | rabble 耙子 | rabbler 搅拌器

rabble 词典解释

1. 乌合之众;乱民;暴民
    A rabble is a crowd of noisy people who seem likely to cause trouble.

    e.g. He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.

2. 贱民;下等人
    People sometimes refer to ordinary people in general as the rabble to suggest that they are superior to them.

    e.g. In 40 years, the Guards' Polo Club has changed, but it has managed to keep most of the rabble out.

rabble 单语例句

1. What has changed is that the rabble has become huge because online circles engage in mass communication.

rabble 英英释义


1. rabble的翻译

1. a disorderly crowd of people

    Synonym: mob rout

2. rabble

2. disparaging terms for the common people

    Synonym: riffraff ragtag ragtag and bobtail
