


rabbis 基本解释
犹太教祭司,犹太教律法专家,大师( rabbi的名词复数 );
rabbis 网络解释

1. <犹太教>拉比,犹太教经师或神职人员:5. relinquishment 放弃 | 6. rabbis <犹太教>拉比,犹太教经师或神职人员 | 7. pore毛孔,小孔

rabbis 单语例句

1. rabbis是什么意思

1. Cabinet Minister Haim Ramon said the rabbis are aware that the Palestinians will likely knock down the buildings later on.

2. But its precious Torah rolls were damaged and rabbis as well as congregation members were seized and deported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

3. A group of hardline settlers and rabbis fueled tensions Sunday by urging Jews to converge on the site and pray.

4. Top rabbis can count tens of thousands of followers who abide by their rulings.

5. rabbis

5. A small number of settlers and rabbis have urged soldiers to disobey the evacuation orders.

6. rabbis的意思

6. He said it was likely extremists would misunderstand statements by some rabbis that the pullout endangers Israel's existence.

7. The network is alleged to have laundered tens of millions of dollars through Jewish charities controlled by rabbis in New York and New Jersey.

8. rabbis的解释

8. Rabbis identified with settlers called on soldiers to refuse to take part in the pullout.

9. rabbis的反义词

9. Federal prosecutors say several rabbis in New York and New Jersey are also arrested.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The elevators are just one of several electric devices that rabbis have found loopholes for, allowing their use.
