
rabat [ˈræbət,rəˈbæt]  [ˈræbi, rəˈbæt] 

rabat 基本解释
rabat 网络解释


1. 拉巴特:首都拉巴特 拉巴特(Rabat)是 ... 非诚勿扰 日韩全景豪华游轮之旅 香港品质直飞安心超值游 异国风情 云南神奇之旅张玉婷用了5个小时,向我讲述她的摩洛哥之旅,确实令我向往 ... 你可以看看他们的食物、衣著、手工艺品等等,倦了时,

2. 摩洛哥 拉巴特:塞4-4 摩洛哥 非斯(Fez)卡拉维因(Qarawiyyin)清真寺4-5 摩洛哥 梯摩尔(Tinmal)清真寺4-7 阿尔及利亚 特莱姆森(Tiemcen)清真寺4-8 摩洛哥 马拉喀什(Marrakech)库图比亚(Kutubiyya)清真寺4-9 摩洛哥 拉巴特(Rabat)哈桑(Hasan)

3. 拉巴特[摩洛哥]:Quebec 魁北克(加拿大) | Rabat 拉巴特(摩洛哥) | Rangoon 仰光(缅甸)

4. 拉巴特 摩洛哥 西非:468 Quebec 魁北克 加拿大 北美 | 469 Rabat 拉巴特 摩洛哥 西非 | 470 Rabaul 腊包尔港 巴布亚新几内亚 澳新线

rabat 单语例句

1. The council of the league adopted on Nov 16 in Morocco's capital Rabat a draft protocol on the Arab observer mission in Syria.

2. It is Morocco's worst plane crash since 1973, when 105 passengers were killed after a Royal Air Maroc aircraft crashed near Rabat.

3. Guelmim is more than 600 km southwest of the capital Rabat, just north of the Western Sahara and a few dozen km from the Atlantic Coast.

4. Hu flew to Abuja from Rabat after concluding a state visit to Morocco.

5. Hakim has been Rabat's envoy to China since 2009, but he's been back and forth since his first visit in 2000.

6. rabat的近义词

6. She knows Morocco's capital is Rabat and the nation was once a French colony, giving it a fusion of cultures.

7. RABAT - A Moroccan magazine says it is being sued for defamation by former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.

rabat 英英释义


1. the capital of Morocco
    located in the northwestern on the Atlantic coast

    Synonym: capital of Morocco
