quinine water

quinine water

quinine water 双语例句

1. Black-water fever is most often associated with the use of antimalarial medication, especially quinine, but in this patient, dark urine developed before quinine therapy, making this diagnosis less likely.
    黑水热 Black-water fever 常与应用抗疟药特别是奎宁有关,但这位病人尿色加深的症状出现在应用奎宁之前,不支持此诊断。

2. Gin and quinine water.

3. Lime - or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine.

4. The only serious adverse event was seen in a patient in the quinine group who developed fatal black water fever.

5. Cyclic Voltammetric Study of Quinine Derivatives Transfer across the Water/Nitrobenzene Interface
