1. 任务:成就奖励:奥术魔法的学派 - 精通 任务(Quests) 博学者(联盟) - 完成下列任务成就. ...死于奎尔萨拉斯 - 杀死洛瑟玛.塞隆. 为了部落! - 杀死联盟的领袖. 成就奖励:黑色战熊 暴风城的风暴 - 杀死瓦里安.乌瑞恩国王. 杀...
2. 显示所有任务列表:restartlevel 当前层数重置 | quests 显示所有任务列表 | questactive questName(任务名字) 激活你想接的任务
3. 显示任务列表:srestartlevel:重置当前关卡 | quests:显示任务列表 | aquestactive questName:接受任务(questactive 任务名字)
4. 查询任务:query 查询技能工会及门派 | quests 查询任务 | score 查自己的一些状态
1. quests
1. The novel tells the story of two quests by a lonely protagonist in search of someone to talk to.
2. To participate in the ISS may mean rethinking, into a diverted focus and divided budget on China's own space quests.
3. A huge sum of money has to be spent to fund a number of politicians'quests to achieve their own political gain.
4. The fantasy game features several quests and involves fighting monsters and animals.