
query [ˈkwɪəri]  [ˈkwɪri] 







query 基本解释

名词询问; 问题; 疑问; 问号


不及物动词询问; 表示怀疑

query 网络解释

1. 疑问:是稍早提及的「演化搜寻」,当检索者因阅读搜寻到的资讯而改变需求时,反馈就显得「不公平」. 采莓模式在疑问(query)的本质上为演进式,即使用者会根据已收集到的资料,改变其搜寻的目标及策略;并非如传统模式认为是单一不变的.

2. 质问:字符串参数和注释可以通过ID3DXEffect界面被应用程序质问(query). 像素着色器(pixelshader)一个pixelshader对象表示Direct3D像素着色器对象. 当着色器函数里没有操作直接接受像素着色器时,像素着色器可以在technique内部设置给设备.

query 词典解释

1. (尤指向组织、出版物或专家提出的)问题,疑问,询问
    A query is a question, especially one that you ask an organization, publication, or expert.

    e.g. If you have any queries about this insurance, please contact Travel Insurance Services Limited.

2. 对…提出疑问;对…表示怀疑
    If you query something, you check it by asking about it because you are not sure if it is correct.

    e.g. It's got a number you can ring to query your bill...
    e.g. No one queried my decision.

3. query

3. 提问;发问;询问
    To query means to ask a question.

    e.g. 'Is there something else?' Ryle queried as Helen stopped speaking...
    e.g. One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved.

query 单语例句

1. He was responding to a query about Israel's demand for a clear red line over the Iranian nuclear program in talks with Washington.

2. A query about Richie's dizzy spells last month on the set of " The Simple Life " was cut off before she could respond.

3. " We wish to deny the news report of China Telecom buying MTN, " a China Telecom spokesman wrote in an emailed reply to a query from Reuters.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. The ICC said Ponting responded by walking up to the official from his fielding position to query the decision.

5. An anguished young man posted an online query recently, asking if he had to become an alcoholic to get ahead in life.

6. Arts are generally considered a way to query the reality and point out problems, but would it be better if it can help to solve them?

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The content of search request sometimes contain information about the person making the query.

8. The legal query was provided in a legal advice from the Department of Justice.

9. query的翻译

9. First, they published the list of the winners'names and query system.

10. The computer matches the query to the most suitable clinics among more than 350 on file.

query 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an instance of questioning

    e.g. there was a question about my training
           we made inquiries of all those who were present

    Synonym: question inquiry enquiry interrogation


1. pose a question

    Synonym: question
