1. 采石:除此以外,这些徭役,还被用于采石(quarrying)、开矿以及维护灌溉. 埃及的手工匠以他们精湛的工艺,尤其是在奢侈品制作方面闻名于世. 他们制作的珠宝首饰,即便在今天也少有超越;对釉彩(enamel)、象牙和珍珠的制作工艺一流;
2. 露天开采:quarry 采石场 | quarrying 露天开采 | quartel 林班
3. 采石工程:quarry casting basin 石矿场的预制场 | quarrying 采石工程 | radiation 辐射
4. 掘蚀(作用采掘:石坑水 quarry water | 掘蚀(作用采掘 quarrying | 四分之一光波云母片 quarter undulation mica plate
1. quarrying的翻译
1. The new regulation looks into the details on natural resources and natural landscape protection and lists requirements for freshwater protection and limits on quarrying.
2. quarrying的意思
2. But it wasn't until a decade later that villagers - again quarrying - discovered the massive mausoleum.
3. She claims some illegal cement plants are quarrying on the mountains and causing extensive damage to the ecology.
1. the extraction of building stone or slate from an open surface quarry