
quantity [ˈkwɒntəti]  [ˈkwɑ:ntəti] 


quantity 基本解释


名词量,数量; 定量,大批; 数目; [语音学、韵律学]音量(指元音或音节的长短)

quantity 同义词

名词amount volume number mass measure multitude sum portion

quantity 反义词


quantity 相关例句



1. She has quantities of good clothes.

2. What quantity does she want?

3. Quantities of food were on the table.

4. Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.

5. I prefer quality to quantity.

quantity 情景对话



B:Do you offer any quantity discounts ?

A:No, we don‘t.

B:Then give us three cases of this .


B:Doesn‘t the quantity discount apply on this order ?

A:No ,I‘m sorry ,but it doesn‘t.

B:Why not?

A:Because these items are from different shipments.


B:I‘m calling about mistake on our last invoice .

A:What was it ?

B:We should have been given the large quantity price .

A:Yes ,that is absolutely right .

quantity 网络解释


1. quantity:qty; 定额,数量

2. quantity:quant; 数量性

quantity 词典解释

1. 数量;量
    A quantity is an amount that you can measure or count.

    e.g. ...a small quantity of water.
    e.g. ...vast quantities of food...

2. quantity是什么意思

2. 大量;大宗;大批
    Things that are produced or available in quantity are produced or available in large amounts.

    e.g. After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity...
    e.g. But even with those databases, the sheer quantity of data can still cause problems.

3. (尤指和质量相对的)数量
    You can use quantity to refer to the amount of something that there is, especially when you want to contrast it with its quality.

    e.g. ...the less discerning drinker who prefers quantity to quality...
    e.g. In terms of quantity, production grew faster than ever before.

4. 未知量;未知数
    If you say that someone or something is an unknown quantity, you mean that not much is known about what they are like or how they will behave.

    e.g. He is an unknown quantity for his rivals.

quantity 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The UN said cannabis yields around twice the quantity of drug per hectare as opium poppies and requires less investment to grow it.

2. It is also widely claimed that hospitals with preoccupied with the quantity of organ transplants they could carry out over quality.

3. After selecting and cooking, the actual consumption quantity is about 400 kilograms.

4. Others accept new orders cautiously according to the quantity of the order, since they dare not keep any stock to avoid possible risks.

5. quantity什么意思

5. While there are a few who would insist on quality instead of quantity, there are people who simply stop being choosy because of financial pressures.

6. The government says it is leaning toward imposition of fees for garbage collection based on quantity of waste.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. The urbanization progress brought a larger population, and a great quantity of water was used in production and daily life.

8. quantity

8. And the textile industry boasted a great quantity of gorgeous fabrics, which were turned into imperial clothes and ornaments.

9. quantity的翻译

9. Although the quantity might look a bit small, there are a great variety of ingredients in different dishes.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Canada Post will produce over 16 million of the stamps, a significantly higher quantity than most commemorative stamp issues outside of the holiday season.

quantity 英英释义


1. how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify

    Synonym: measure amount

2. an adequate or large amount

    e.g. he had a quantity of ammunition

3. the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable
