
quandary [ˈkwɒndəri]  [ˈkwɑ:ndəri] 



quandary 基本解释

名词左右为难; 窘困; 不知所措

quandary 相关例句



1. Her unwillingness to cooperate put me in a quandary.

2. I was in a quandary, for this situation was totally unforeseen.

3. I was put in a great quandary.

quandary 网络解释


1. 困惑:qualmish 不安的 | quandary 困惑 | quandong 檀香科树木

2. 困惑(不 是四 分之一):relevance 尊敬 中肯之人 | quandary 困惑(不是四分之一) | curator 馆长

3. 困惑;窘境:purport#主旨;意义 | quandary#困惑;窘境 | query#质问;问题

4. 困惑,进退两难:lapidary 宝石工,宝石专家 | quandary 困惑,进退两难 | dreary 沉闷的,乏味的

quandary 词典解释

1. 困境;窘境;左右为难的境地
    If you are in a quandary, you have to make a decision but cannot decide what to do.

    e.g. The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.

quandary 单语例句

1. Her quandary is that the only common language she shares with her man is Mandarin.

2. quandary什么意思

2. However, the fundamental quandary has not changed with women achieving economic independence.

3. Because the case did not involve genital contact, prosecutors found themselves in a quandary over what charges to press against Howard.

4. Magistrate Wahab Abu Bakar bin said he felt helpless over Tse's quandary.

5. China's central bank acknowledged the policy quandary at an International Monetary Fund meeting in Tokyo this month.

6. Weekends can leave people in a quandary over how to spend their time.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The birth of another girl would leave the country in a quandary over the future of the monarchy.

8. The quandary confronting organizers and sponsors is under the spotlight right before the start of the global sports event in Shanghai next week.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Government is in a quandary over how to deal with the queue of applications for foreign investment by Chinese companies in the resource sector.

10. The protracted talks with major iron ore suppliers has put China's small steelmakers in a quandary.

quandary 英英释义



1. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options

    Synonym: dilemma

2. a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one

    e.g. finds himself in a most awkward predicament
           the woeful plight of homeless people

    Synonym: predicament plight
