put on airs

put on airs

put on airs 基本解释
put on airs 相关例句

put on airs的反义词


1. Don't put on airs with us.

2. She put on airs after marrying a millionaire.

put on airs 网络解释

1. 摆架子:白雪公主 Snow White | 摆架子 put on airs | 摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances

2. 装模作样:put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 | put on airs 装模作样 | put on the screw 施加压力

3. 装腔作势:put on air 装腔作势 | put on airs 装腔作势 | put on an act 装腔

4. 忘乎所以、飘飘然:put forward 提出、传出 | put on airs 忘乎所以、飘飘然 | put on performances 演出

put on airs 双语例句

1. Be arrogant; put on airs; give oneself airs; hold one's nose in the air

put on airs在线翻译

2. We must not put on bureaucratic airs.

3. Emperor Xuanzong often went hunting with his brothers, and during those playful times, the brothers followed the family etiquette among themselves; the Emperor never put on airs.

4. At the beginning she seemed to be pretending to be a singsong or dancing girl, so she put on affected airs for the person in the mirror, raising her eyebrows and looking at the ceiling.


5. You`ll not see this haughty and hierarchical as privatism, but you pouring yourself out and being friends with anybody, not put on airs.

6. Because where I grew up there really wasn`t much tolerance for self-importance, people who put on airs.

put on airs的近义词

7. He likes to put on airs in front of others most.

8. He is too much inclined to put on airs.


9. He began to put on airs and think he was a grown-up.

10. I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me.

11. You must be loyal to itself, do not put on airs, to show the universal love.


12. He put on airs at the meeting yesterday morning.

13. Regardless dropped and have to put on airs for the lower sad, really very unfair!

put on airs什么意思

14. The more you put on airs, the less people will stand for it and the less they will care to read your articles.

put on airs的反义词

15. Flaunt one's seniority; put on the airs of a veteran

put on airs是什么意思

16. B. He put on airs at the meeting yesterday morning.

17. When I do children like to put on airs, the craft is still on the streets, everyone to feel a workable solution either.

put on airs的反义词

18. A. The match was put on the airs last night.

put on airs

19. I find I can't stand for those who put on airs.

20. You can't put on airs and make people like you.

put on airs 单语例句

1. put on airs什么意思

1. Her criticisms are not likely to make her friends in the mainland movie business, which has responded by saying Hsuan " put on airs " and was uncooperative.

put on airs 英英释义


1. act like the master of

    e.g. He is lording it over the students

    Synonym: lord it over queen it over act superior
