put across

put across [put əˈkrɔs]  [pʊt əˈkrɔs] 

put across 基本解释

把…横置于…上; 把…送到…的对面; 用欺骗的方法使(某人)接受或相信; <非正>解释

put across 相关例句


1. He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together.

2. A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product.

3. It was not easy to put the idea across to the public at that time.

put across 网络解释

put across

1. 解释清楚,说明:pull up (使)停下 | put across解释清楚,说明 | put aside储存,保留

2. 解释清楚;做成(交易):on purpose 为了;故意地 . | put across 解释清楚;做成(交易) . | put aside 储存,保留 .

3. 圆满完成, 使被接受:TSU Technical Service Unit技术服务处[美] | put across 圆满完成, 使被接受 | naegite 苗木石, 锆铀矿, 稀土锆石

4. 解释清楚;使人接受:off point离题 | put across解释清楚;使人接受 | put aside放在一边;储存;保留

put across 词典解释

1. 描述出;解释清楚;使被人理解
    When you put something across or put it over, you succeed in describing or explaining it to someone.

    e.g. He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across...
    e.g. This is actually a very entertaining book putting over serious health messages...

put across 单语例句

1. put across的反义词

1. Germany is emerging from years of sluggish growth that has driven up unemployment, drained the government's coffers and put a drag on economies across the continent.

2. Now, the question is how to put that fact to work to combat AIDS across Africa.

3. put across什么意思

3. He said he put his son's body across his shoulders and swam from the school, and only yesterday was his son taken to a funeral home.

4. put across的近义词

4. The group put out posters across the city accusing Lady Gaga of spreading " unhealthy sexual culture " through " lewd lyrics and performances ".

5. There are no reliable statistics, but some published reports put the number of foreign teachers across China in the thousands.

6. put across什么意思

6. He also acknowledged that not enough effort had been put into winning over ordinary Iraqis by getting America's message across.

7. The US government and others across the world have argued the publication of cables is irresponsible and could put their national security at risk.

8. Again, dialogue is imperative for both sides to put across their views.

9. What is puzzling is the use of transliteration when the meaning can be tersely put across in English.

10. Commemorative medals of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay were formally put on sale in Olympic stores across the country yesterday.

put across 英英释义

put across


1. transmit information

    e.g. Please communicate this message to all employees
           pass along the good news

    Synonym: communicate pass on pass pass along
