
pushed [pʊʃt] [puʃt] 





pushed 基本解释

形容词<非正>(时间、钱等)不够用的; 没有空的,忙碌的

动词推,推动( push的过去式和过去分词 ); 对…施加压力; 逼迫; 按

pushed 网络解释


1. 被压着:...I'm not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed.|我不是被吸住,而是被压着 | Pushed.|被压着... | It's lsaac Newton and he's pissed.|那是牛顿,他非常火大

2. 推挤现象的:pushdozer推土机 | pushed推挤现象的 | pushedpunt凸形瓶底 凹瓶底

3. 处于窘境的, 为难的 (形):pushcart 手推车 (名) | pushed 处于窘境的, 为难的 (形) | pushed his luck 谋求发迹

pushed 词典解释

1. pushed的近义词

1. (时间或金钱)紧缺的,短缺的,拮据的
    If you are pushed for something such as time or money, you do not have enough of it.

    e.g. He's going to be a bit pushed for money.

in AM, use 美国英语用 pressed for

2. 难于(做某事)
    If you are hard pushed to do something, you find it very difficult to do it.

    e.g. I'd be hard pushed to teach him anything.

pushed 单语例句

1. Strong buying and selling pushed the single day turnover at the Dhaka Stock Exchange or DSE to its peak of 32.

2. Bargain hunters pushed Chinese equities to edge up Tuesday, led by energy and financial large caps.

3. pushed的反义词

3. Early morning thunderstorms delayed fueling of the rocket launching the orbiter and pushed back the time of the liftoff by at least an hour Thursday.

4. Desperate crowds formed by the thousands and some pushed and shoved after weeks of stifling fuel shortages.

5. Waters also has pushed the administration to adopt her Edible Schoolyard project in which children plant their own produce to eat in the school cafeteria.

6. The JEM is active on Sudan's borderline with Chad and Libya, which pushed the Sudanese army to increase its border patrols.

7. Tyson was pushed against the ropes by McBride and dropped to the canvas on his rear as the sixth round ended.

8. Coastal Shandong Province limited power to industry after the cold pushed generating capacity to its limit.

9. He nevertheless pushed for the deal to be approved, citing the country's deep moral commitment to its dead and captive soldiers.

10. pushed

10. With the protection of the largest land carnivore pushed aside, the Arctic will be open to rampant exploitation.
