1. 折叠婴儿车:pushcart 手推车 | pushchair 折叠婴儿车 | pusher 推动者
2. 折叠式婴儿车:Pulley 滑车 | Pushchair 折叠式婴儿车 | Reel 纺车
3. 婴儿车:黄蜂 wasp | 婴儿车 pram; baby carriage; stroller; pushchair; buggy | 梯子 ladder
4. 折疊式嬰兒車:Pulley 滑車 | Pushchair 折疊式嬰兒車 | Reel 紡車
1. 婴儿手推车;婴儿车
A pushchair is a small chair on wheels, in which a baby or small child can sit and be wheeled around.
1. a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
Synonym: baby buggy baby carriage carriage perambulator pram stroller go-cart pusher