
pursuance [pəˈsju:əns]  [pərˈsu:əns] 

pursuance 基本解释



pursuance 相关例句



1. He was wounded in the pursuance of his duty.

pursuance 网络解释

1. 追求:pursuable 可实行的 | pursuance 追求 | pursuant 追踪的

2. 追;驱逐;实行;从事:purpose-made 特制的 | pursuance 追;驱逐;实行;从事 | pursuant to 按照

3. 从事;履行:PURSOO,EugeneM.欧仁?皮尔苏 | pursuance从事;履行 | pursuantto依照;依...条

4. 追求,实行:purse 钱包 | pursuance 追求,实行 | pursuant 追逐者

pursuance 词典解释

1. 遵循;进行;实行
    If you do something in pursuance of a particular activity, you do it as part of carrying out that activity.

    e.g. He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder.

pursuance 单语例句

1. In wartime, it may be called into active service in pursuance of a state mobilization order.

2. pursuance的意思

2. Blind pursuance of democracy can neither help solve problems of economic development and political progress, nor ensure the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of different classes.

3. pursuance的反义词

3. Outer space is the common wealth of humankind, and peaceful development and use of space resources are its common pursuance.

4. Pingdingshan is only one example of criminal neglect of norms in pursuance of profit.

5. pursuance的反义词

5. In this respect, the pursuance of war responsibility was aimed at Japan as a whole.

pursuance 英英释义



1. the continuance of something begun with a view to its completion

    Synonym: prosecution

2. pursuance的反义词

2. a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria

    e.g. the pursuit of love
           life is more than the pursuance of fame
           a quest for wealth

    Synonym: pursuit quest
