
purdah [ˈpɜ:də]  [ˈpɜ:rdə] 

purdah 基本解释


名词置身深闺; 身闺制度

purdah 网络解释

1. 窗帘:purchasing-power bond 购买力债券 | purdah 窗帘 | pure and simple 完全的

2. 印度高级面纱:purchase block 起重滑车 | purdah 印度高级面纱 | pure acrylic immitation fur 腈纶人造毛皮

3. 妇人避人耳目不出的风俗:purchaser 购买者 | purdah 妇人避人耳目不出的风俗 | purdah 帷幕

4. 帷幕:purdah 妇人避人耳目不出的风俗 | purdah 帷幕 | pureandsimplesheeroutright 纯属

purdah 词典解释

1. (伊斯兰或印度教社会的)置身深闺,深闺制度
    Purdah is a custom practised in some Muslim and Hindu societies, in which women either remain in a special part of the house or cover their faces and bodies to avoid being seen by men who are not related to them. If a woman is in purdah, she lives according to this custom.

purdah 单语例句

1. And during this period of Purdah, many are wondering what Tengzhong hopes to achieve.

purdah 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a screen used in India to separate women from men or strangers

2. purdah什么意思

2. the traditional Hindu or Muslim system of keeping women secluded

    Synonym: sex segregation

3. a state of social isolation

    Synonym: solitude
