
purchases ['pɜ:tʃəsɪz]  ['pɜ:tʃəsɪz] 





purchases 基本解释
购买,购置( purchase的名词复数 );买到的东西;购买( purchase的第三人称单数 );购买东西;
purchases 网络解释


1. 进货:512 进货 (purchases)凡购进待销之货品均属之. 513 进料(materials purchased)进料(制造业适用):本科目适用於对存货处理采用定期盘存制之制造业. 凡购进原料及物料所发生之进价及应负担之运费、保险费、关税、公证费、栈租等皆属之.

2. 购货:purchases contract 购货契约 | purchases 购货 | put option 卖出期权

3. 购买(货):Purchase returns and allowance journal 購貨退詘及折讓日記帳 | Purchases 購買(貨) | Purchases from head office 總號來貨

4. 进货; 购买:installment cost of goods sold;分期付款销货成本;; | purchases;进货; 购买;; | purchase expenses;进货费用;;

purchases 单语例句

1. The purchases by Air China came just five months after it agreed to buy 10 Boeing 737 planes to expand its fleet.

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2. American purchases rank fourth on the global shopping channel by volume, but rank first in amount spent per deal.

3. China's cabinet said last week it will expand measures to rein in residential prices in smaller cities after limiting home purchases in metropolitan areas.

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4. Tack said that although Chinese investors have been painted as unsophisticated, they have proven to be quite calculating in their purchases.

5. China's car sales started to slow in the second half as the Beijing Olympics curbed purchases and the global financial crisis dampened demand.

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6. The agreement makes Singapore the first country to accept debit cards issued by Chinese banks for purchases and cash withdrawals outside of China.

7. purchases

7. Nie said strict policies on property purchases and a tighter monetary policy this year have brought cash flow problems to developers.

8. The statement said Sinopec will fund the purchases with cash from internal resources.

9. Tighter requirements on investment programs and more complicated procedures will stop some purchases, said analysts with CB Richard Ellis.

10. The statement affirmed the central bank's support for SME's purchases of foreign exchange for overseas investment and Chinese companies'foreign borrowings.
