1. 肺气肿:肺气肿(pulmonary emphysema)是指呼吸细支气嗓以远的末尾肺组织因残气量增多而呈持久性扩张,并伴有肺泡间隔破坏,乃至肺组织弹性减弱,容积增大的一种病理状态在成人尸检例中,约50%可发明差别程度的肺气肿,
2. <病理学Pathology)> 肺气肿:pulmonary abscess <病理学Pathology)> 肺脓肿 | pulmonary emphysema <病理学Pathology)> 肺气肿 | pulmonary tuberculosis <病理学Pathology)> 肺结核
3. 肺気腫:心嚢液貯留 Pericardial Effusion | 肺気腫 Pulmonary Emphysema | 肺塞栓(症) Pulmonary Embolism
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema and is a leading cause of death worldwide.
1. an abnormal condition of the lungs marked by decreased respiratory function
associated with smoking or chronic bronchitis or old age
Synonym: emphysema