pull strings

pull strings[pul ˈstriŋz] 

pull strings 基本解释


pull strings 相关例句

pull strings的反义词


1. Mary pulled strings and got us two theater tickets.

2. The police released him after his lawyer pulled strings downtown.

3. He got a plush job in City Hall after his father pulled strings.

pull strings 网络解释

1. [牵线:63[绿色邮件?]greenmail | 64[牵线?]pull strings | 65[死期存款账户]dead account?

2. 幕后操纵:Do a magic trick 变魔术 | Follow my lead 听我指挥 | Pull strings 幕后操纵

3. 运用关系:12. scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了 | 13. pull strings运用关系 | 14. come clean 全盘托出,招供

pull strings 单语例句

1. Fans will soon get to pull the strings on Nash and Finley.

2. The Catalans have the luxury of being able to call on both men to pull the strings.

3. He said he needed the money to pull some strings in order to transfer to Wuhan so he could marry her.

4. Liao claimed he could help reduce Xiong's punishment if family members paid him to pull strings.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. An order for officials to pull strings to ensure jobs for graduates has sparked heated debate in an east coast city.

6. pull strings的反义词

6. All it takes is a little kindness to pull the strings of our hearts.

pull strings 英英释义

pull strings什么意思


1. influence or control shrewdly or deviously

    e.g. He manipulated public opinion in his favor

    Synonym: manipulate pull wires
