pull it

pull it [pul it]  [pʊl ɪt] 

pull it 基本解释

pull it


pull it 网络解释

1. 拉:For your boss.|操你妈! | Pull it!|拉! | Ma? Ma?|妈妈?

2. 打开它:You...|你... | ...pull it.|...打开它 | You got to...|然后吃它

pull it 单语例句

1. It has been rocked with corruption scandals this season and has seen its top clubs call for a reform and threaten to pull out.

2. The carpenter got a plank of wood and used it as a skateboard to get to the children and pull them to safety.

3. It has been exciting to watch them play, coalesce and pull together.

4. pull it的解释

4. India responded cooly but announced last week it would pull some of its troops out of the region.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Google said on January 12 it might pull out of the Chinese market, citing disagreement with government policies and unidentified attacks targeting Google's services in China.

6. It shows the market is yet to pull out of the down cycle.

7. Syria said Thursday it would pull its forces eastward toward its border but will not bring them home.

8. A lottery jackpot this big makes it easy to pull a prank on your friends.

9. They claim that it will harm the national economy and some foreign investors may even pull out of the country.

10. And at some point you pull the cord and you're suddenly floating, and in your mind it makes absolutely no sense.
