pull into

pull into [pul ˈɪntuː]  [pʊl ˈɪntu] 

pull into 基本解释


pull into 网络解释

pull into的近义词

1. 进入;到达:pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸 . | pull into 进入;到达 . | pull off 脱(帽等努力实现 .

2. (车等)进入,驶入:pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸 | pull into (车等)进入,驶入 | pull out 拔出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出

3. 让车等驶入:show one's concern for... 对......表示关心或忧虑 | pull into 让车等驶入 | advise sb. to do sth . 建议某人做某事

4. 到达,开进:deceive ... into 欺骗......去做 | pull into 到达,开进 | cut into 减轻,减少

pull into 词典解释

1. pull into是什么意思

1. (使)驶入停下
    When a vehicle or driver pulls into a place, the vehicle moves into the place and stops there.

    e.g. He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage...
    e.g. She pulled the car into a tight parking space on a side street.

pull into 单语例句

1. pull into的翻译

1. A soldier was lowered head first into the well where he finally managed to pull the grandmother out after the capture of the snake.

2. Cold waxing involves a strip with preheated wax that is rubbed into skin and removed in one quick pull.

3. But some sailors started to panic and jump into their small ship, forcing it to pull away so it wouldn't sink too.

4. There's nothing like your children to pull you into the moment.

5. pull into的反义词

5. Logan Tom pull back one point for Hengda, but her serving flied into the net to give Tianjin the final victory.

6. They used a vehicle to pull the ox while at the same time pouring water into the well.

7. pull into

7. The driver " seemed to be excessively irritated because he couldn't pull into my lane, " he said.

8. pull into的近义词

8. Not only did luxury car owners pull into the driveways of subsidized houses, so too did some people with political connections.

9. China has rejected the appeal as it sees it as an excuse to pull Beijing into the war on terror.

10. If the guests do not drink, the bride will pull up their ears to fill the liquor into their mouths.
