pull in

pull in [pul in]  [pʊl ɪn] 

pull in 基本解释

吸引; (火车)进站; 节省; 拘留

pull in 相关例句

pull in什么意思


1. They managed to pull in the tractor inside the shed.

2. The special train pulls in at 9.

pull in 词典解释

1. pull in的近义词

1. (车)停下;(驾车者)停车
    When a vehicle or driver pulls in somewhere, the vehicle stops there.

    e.g. He pulled in at the side of the road...
    e.g. The van pulled in and waited.

2. 逮捕;把…抓起来
    If the police pull someone in, they arrest them and take them to the police station.

    e.g. 'Brady looks like a suspect.' — 'I'd pull him in.'

3. 挣;获得;赚取
    If you pull in an amount of money, you earn or collect that amount.

    e.g. I only pull in 15,000 a year as a social worker.

4. -> see pull 9

pull in 单语例句

1. pull in是什么意思

1. He also denied reports that China had pressured Cambodia to pull the issue off the agenda of the bloc's summit this week in Phnom Penh.

2. They are followed by Mongolian maidens holding ceremonial hada silk and heavyset fishermen clad in sheepskin coats whose horses pull sledges loaded with fishing gear.

3. To pull in additional males there would have to be more females in a group than the alpha male could manage.

4. pull in在线翻译

4. When he started training a battalion of drivers in 1997, he had to pull 98 percent of them from Hong Kong.

5. In the Cold War era, the shared strategic concern with the Soviet threat helped pull the two countries together.

6. Among the larger contributors to pull out was Ukraine, which withdrew its last contingent of 876 troops in December.

7. He threatened to pull out of the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty altogether if progress is not made.

8. She crooked one arm as if to pull in the person next to her.

9. A Chevrolet dealer in Hawaii literally crushed his Asian auto competition - but found the stunt harder to pull off than expected.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. When summer approaches or even in winter, most of us cannot wait to pull on those denim darlings.

pull in 英英释义

pull in是什么意思


1. get or bring together

    e.g. accumulate evidence

    Synonym: collect

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes

    e.g. Her good looks attract the stares of many men
           The ad pulled in many potential customers
           This pianist pulls huge crowds
           The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers

    Synonym: attract pull draw draw in

3. of trains
    move into (a station)

    e.g. The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station

    Synonym: get in move in draw in

4. pull in

4. earn on some commercial or business transaction
    earn as salary or wages

    e.g. How much do you make a month in your new job?
           She earns a lot in her new job
           this merger brought in lots of money
           He clears $5,000 each month

    Synonym: gain take in clear make earn realize realise bring in
